Why Is My Period So Heavy?

If you’re bleeding through tampons or pads every hour during your time of the month, know that this heavy bleeding may be a sign that something more is going on with your body.
At Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, our board-certified OB/GYN Mary Grace Bridges, MD understands how disruptive heavy periods can be to your life.
If you’re not able to enjoy your usual activities without embarrassing accidents or undue discomfort, you should schedule a gynecology consultation with Dr. Bridges to find out what’s causing your abnormal bleeding.
Causes of heavy uterine bleeding
Heavy menstrual bleeding is a condition known as menorrhagia. Some women with this menorrhagia bleed very heavily during their monthly menstrual cycle, while others experience bleeding that lasts longer than seven days.
You might experience heavy periods for no identifiable reason or because of issues like:
Polyps are small, noncancerous (benign) growths that develop on the lining of your uterus, which can cause symptoms like heavy periods and pelvic pain.
Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that form in the uterus in women of childbearing age. Fibroids can interfere with fertility and cause prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding.
Ovarian dysfunction
Ovarian dysfunction occurs when your ovaries don’t release an egg during your menstrual cycle. When this happens, your body doesn’t make the progesterone hormone, and heavy bleeding can occur due to this imbalance in your hormone levels.
Certain birth controls
If you use hormonal birth control pills or a nonhormonal intrauterine device (IUD) to prevent unwanted pregnancy, you might be at increased risk for experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding.
While some women won’t have any physical complications from heavy periods, prolonged or heavy bleeding can lead to anemia, a condition that describes a deficiency in red blood cells. These cells are essential for carrying oxygen to your tissues. Low red blood cell levels can lead to pale skin and chronic fatigue.
Treatment options for heavy periods
To determine why you bleed heavily during your period, we offer comprehensive gynecological exams on-site. We also use advanced diagnostic technologies to identify issues like uterine polyps, fibroids, and other conditions that can cause abnormal uterine bleeding.
Once we confirm the underlying cause of your heavy periods, Dr. Bridges can discuss your options for treating your condition. We focus on the less invasive treatments possible to stop heavy bleeding and prevent anemia and other complications.
There are medications and certain types of birth control that can help lessen blood flow during your menstrual cycle. If you’re not a candidate for medications or they don’t work well for you, Dr. Bridges may recommend a surgical procedure to remove large fibroids or to address the polyps on the lining of your uterus.
If you’re done having children and can no longer tolerate heavy bleeding, you might need a hysterectomy to remove your uterus and other reproductive organs.
Don’t put off a diagnostic evaluation for heavy periods. Call the Women’s Health Partners of Permian Basin office in Odessa or Midland, Texas to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today.
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