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Breast Surgery Specialist

Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin

Mary Grace Bridges, MD

Obstetrician & Gynecologist & Breast Surgery located in Odessa, TX

Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women. Breast surgery is the primary treatment for breast cancer. Mary Grace Bridges, MD, at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, is a board-certified OB/GYN with fellowship training in breast cancer and breast surgery. She offers breast cancer screening, including genetic screening and counseling, as well as breast surgery. For comprehensive care from an experienced OB/GYN, call the office in Odessa or Midland, Texas, or book an appointment online today.

Breast Surgery Q & A

What is breast surgery?

Breast surgery is the primary treatment for breast cancer, a type of cancer that forms in the breast tissue. Though it affects both men and women, breast cancer is more common in women.

Researchers have found that genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and environmental factors all play a potential role in your risk of getting breast cancer.

Because breast cancer affects women of all ages, Dr. Bridges conducts a breast exam during your annual well-woman visit to Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin. She also recommends you perform a monthly self-breast exam.

Finding and treating breast cancer during the early stages increases your chances of a full recovery. Self-breast exams help you become familiar with what’s normal, making it easier for you to find abnormalities in your breast tissue, even during the early stages.

Who needs breast surgery?

After finding abnormal breast tissue, Dr. Bridges performs a biopsy to confirm or rule out breast cancer. She recommends breast surgery to treat all malignant tumors.

Dr. Bridges also offers genetic testing and counseling for breast cancer. Certain genetic mutations may increase your risk of developing breast cancer.

If you have one of the breast cancer genes and a strong family history of breast cancer, breast surgery may serve as a preventive measure to reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Dr. Bridges is a breast cancer specialist and can talk to you about your options, including the pros and cons of preventive breast surgery.

What are the types of breast surgery?

There are two primary types of breast surgery for removing breast cancer:

Breast-conserving surgery

With breast-conserving surgery, Dr. Bridges removes the portion of the breast that contains the tumor. The goal of this procedure is to remove all the cancerous tissue while preserving as much of your healthy breast tissue as possible.

After breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer, women need radiation therapy.


During a mastectomy, Dr. Bridges removes the entire breast and surrounding tissue. You may benefit from a mastectomy if you have a large tumor, recurring breast cancer, or don’t want radiation therapy.

Dr. Bridges may also recommend a mastectomy as a preventive option for women at a high risk of developing breast cancer.

She may also discuss breast reconstructive surgery for women undergoing a mastectomy.

No matter your need, Dr. Bridges works closely with you and develops a plan that provides the best outcomes. She also provides follow-up care for high-risk patients.

For expert breast surgery and care, call Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, or book an appointment online today.