When to Consider Breast Surgery for Chronic Back Pain

Your bust line can create problems for your back. If you have larger or heavier breasts, the load your upper back and shoulders carry may result in chronic back pain.
You may be able to find lasting back pain relief with breast reduction surgery. Dr. Mary Grace Bridges and the team at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin provide all types of breast surgery, from breast cancer related operations to breast reduction for pain reasons.
If your chronic back pain is related to your breasts, talk to Dr. Bridges at one of her locations in Odessa or Midland, Texas. She can assist you in determining if this procedure is right for you. Here are some of the key points you want to consider before making your decision.
Connecting your bust to your back pain
The weight of large breasts puts a lot of pressure on your upper and mid-back. If you suffer from lasting neck pain or back pain, and you have a large bust, the weight of your breasts could be the cause of your problems.
Breast reduction surgery is an effective way to address and relieve your chronic back pain symptoms. This procedure is safe, and recommended for patients whose breasts have stopped developing, who are living with chronic back pain. After surgery, your chronic pain may be relieved, as well as any related muscle spasms and posture issues.
Surgery might seem like a drastic response to your large bust. However, your bust may leave you suffering from regular pain that significantly impairs your quality of life and ability to get things done. That means that you need support. Talk to Dr. Bridges about whether breast reduction surgery is right for you.
Getting the right surgery for you
Dr. Bridges is fellowship-trained and board-certified. She can help you understand if breast reduction surgery could potentially improve your quality of life. Breast surgery may also be recommended if you have a high risk of breast cancer.
You can tailor your breast reduction procedure based on your personal preferences. As a breast-conserving surgery expert, Dr. Bridges can perform a total mastectomy, or, less drastically, simply reduce the overall size and weight of your breasts.
During your procedure, Dr. Bridges removes excess tissue and takes up excess skin. Typically, she works through incisions located around your areola, leaving the areola and nipple intact if possible. Then, she reshapes your bust to be more proportionate to your frame.
All surgeries come with some risk. But, breast reduction surgery with a trained professional like Dr. Bridges is relatively low-risk. And, if you’re living with chronic pain, your results may be well worth it! Dr. Bridges assures that you understand your procedure, so you have realistic expectations about your results.
If regular back or neck pain is damaging your quality of life, it’s time to consider your options seriously. Talk to Dr. Bridges about breast reduction surgery, and find out if you could be a good candidate.
For support with your bust-related back and neck pain, contact Dr. Bridges at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin today. Schedule your initial consultation appointment online or over the phone now.
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