When Is a Hysterectomy Recommended?

In an ideal world, you’d never have health problems requiring invasive treatment like surgery. But, sometimes, it’s true that the best way to keep you in good health for years to come is surgery to address internal issues. One common, and often lifesaving, procedure, surgical removal of your uterus, is also known as a hysterectomy.
At Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, Dr. Mary Grace Bridges and our team here in Odessa and Midland, Texas, use the right treatments and therapies to safeguard and protect your long-term health and wellness. Dr. Bridges offers comprehensive OB/GYN care, including hysterectomies.
Why might Dr. Bridges suggest that you need a hysterectomy? Here are some of the reasons why this procedure may be the right choice for you.
Potential reasons for a hysterectomy
Dr. Bridges uses conservative treatment approaches for your OB/GYN care as much as possible, limiting surgical intervention. But, if reproductive issues affecting your uterus threaten your health, well-being, or quality of life, she may suggest hysterectomy as the best treatment option for you.
When would this be the case? For one thing, uterine cancer can often be effectively treated with a hysterectomy. If you have uterine cancer, a hysterectomy might save your life.
And, if you suffer from uterine fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic pain, or even heavy and painful menstrual periods without a diagnosed cause, removing your uterus may be the best way to relieve your symptoms, making hysterectomy the right choice for you.
You may also need a hysterectomy to treat uterine prolapse. In this situation, Dr. Bridges may need to remove the damaged and out-of-place organ in order to prevent potentially serious and life-threatening complications.
In each of these cases, surgical intervention has the potential to be the clear right choice. Dr. Bridges helps you understand your condition and treatment options.
Deciding on a hysterectomy
Depending on your treatment needs, Dr. Bridges may suggest a total hysterectomy, involving the removal of your entire uterus, as well as your cervix. Or, you might need a radical hysterectomy, which also includes removal of tissue from your upper vaginal area. A partial hysterectomy only removes the upper portion of your uterus.
Your hysterectomy may also need to include removal of your fallopian tubes or ovaries.
No matter what the specifics are, this is a significant procedure. Dr. Bridges makes sure you’re aware of the implications your hysterectomy will have for you, as well as the reasons why she’s recommending it for you.
Dr. Bridges uses minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical techniques whenever possible, minimizing your risks and post-surgery recovery time. During the procedure, you’re sedated. You may need an overnight hospital stay, and won’t be able to drive yourself home after the surgery.
For knowledgeable OB/GYN care, including determining if and when a hysterectomy is needed to improve or maintain your health and wellness, contact Dr. Bridges at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin. You can call today to set up a consultation appointment, or request an appointment with our online booking tool.
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