How Do I Know if an IUD Is a Good Birth Control Option for Me?

At Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, Dr. Mary Grace Bridges and her obstetrics and gynecology team prioritize your reproductive health and family planning needs. We provide a variety of types of birth control to new and existing patients from our offices in Odessa and Midland, Texas, including intrauterine devices (IUDs).
Dr. Bridges guides you through a personalized birth control consultation, ensuring that you fully understand the pros and cons of all your family planning and contraception options. And, you should know that you have lots of options, from IUDs to barrier methods, injection treatments and more.
IUDs are a popular form of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), with many key benefits, but some drawbacks, as well. Here’s what you need to know about using an IUD for birth control.
How an IUD works
Dr. Bridges implants your IUD through your cervix. The T-shaped device rests comfortably at the opening of your uterus.
IUDs can be hormonal or non-hormonal. Hormonal IUDs release synthetic hormones to regulate your monthly cycle and prevent conception and implantation. Non-hormonal IUDs prevent conception and implantation using the natural birth control properties of the metal copper, their main material.
Both types of IUDs have an effectiveness rate of 99% for preventing unwanted pregnancy.
Benefits of IUDs
Either way, IUDs offer highly effective birth control benefits. And, Dr. Bridges can help to extract your IUD at any time. IUD extraction is easy, as the device is meant to fold up and exit your body when pulled in the right way.
When you have an IUD, you don’t need to plan ahead for birth control. IUDs can effectively prevent pregnancy for five years or more. But, if you do decide that you want to become pregnant, the option remains readily available to you.
IUDs are discreet, as well as highly effective. This form of contraception puts birth control completely in your hands.
The best birth control for you
IUDs aren’t the right type of birth control for everyone. Insertion can be painful, especially if you haven’t given birth previously, although anesthesia can help with that.
And, an IUD won’t protect you against sexually-transmitted infections (STIs). Only barrier methods of contraception like condoms do that, as well as preventing pregnancy effectively.
You should also know that an IUD can represent a larger initial financial investment than condoms or a monthly birth control pill or patch prescription.
When you consult with Dr. Bridges about your reproductive health and family planning needs, she goes over all of your options for birth control with you. Ask Dr. Bridges if you could be a good candidate for an IUD at your confidential consultation.
You can trust Dr. Bridges to support you as you consider all of the factors that go into making decisions about your reproductive and sexual health. She discusses your sexual and medical history and plans for the future, as well, helping you get informed to make the right choice for you.
For family planning and birth control consultations in a warm, welcoming, and knowledgeable environment, contact Dr. Bridges at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin. Book your appointment online or over the phone today.
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