4 STIs and How to Prevent Them

At Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin, our experienced and knowledgeable gynecology providers have you covered when it comes to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These diseases can be passed from person to person during oral, anal, or vaginal sex.
Led by board-certified OB/GYN Dr. Mary Grace Bridges, Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin offers STI screening, education, and more from locations in Odessa and Midland, Texas.
While nearly all STIs can be treated, you can also use effective strategies for STI prevention, avoiding getting or spreading infections at all. Here are four of the most common STIs we want you to know about, as well as information about strategies you can use to keep from catching or sharing these diseases.
1. Gonorrhea and chlamydia
These extremely common STIs are both caused by bacteria, and often show up with similar symptoms. However, you can also have both gonorrhea and chlamydia at the same time. Your symptoms may include discharge from your genitals, vaginal itching or swelling, painful urination, and pelvic pain. You may also experience sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, or fever.
In order to prevent both chlamydia and gonorrhea, use a barrier method correctly when having oral, anal, or vaginal sex. Latex condoms prevent STI transmission, as do female condoms and dental dams. Skin condoms only work as birth control, and do not protect you from STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia.
2. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is another very common STI in adults in the United States. There are several different types of HPV. Some types cause changes to the cervix that increase your risk of developing cervical cancer, as well as other cancers. You might not have any symptoms, or might see genital warts after getting infected.
Condoms work to protect you against many sexually-transmitted types of HPV. You can also protect yourself and your partners against this condition by getting vaccinated. The safe and effective vaccine reduces your risk of precancer, cancer, and genital warts.
You may also need regular cervical cancer screening (Pap smears). This service is available through Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin.
3. Syphilis
Syphilis is caused by bacteria, which spreads through contact between sores on one person and small cuts or openings in the skin of another. Often, syphilis sores appear on your genitals or anus, making it spreadable through sexual activity.
Protect yourself against syphilis by using barrier protection methods like condoms and dental dams correctly every time you have sex. Your risks are higher if you have multiple partners, or if your partners are nonmonogamous. Regular STI screenings help you make sure you’re not infected, or infectious.
4. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
This virus causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and can be transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids, including semen, blood, and vaginal blood. Developing AIDS leaves you with a heavily compromised immune system.
Condoms effectively prevent HIV transmission. You can also use preventive daily medication to reduce your risk of becoming infected with HIV. If you’re interested, talk to your provider at Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), available as a daily pill or bimonthly injection.
When you know the facts about STIs, you can protect yourself and your partners from the negative health impacts of these and other sexually transmitted diseases. To learn more, or for help treating an STI, contact Women’s Health Partners of the Permian Basin online or over the phone today and schedule an appointment.
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